Thursday, February 18, 2016

SLO#1 Slave Port in Bristol (what i learned)

John Fowler owned the Trans-Atlantic slave trade ship named Africa. The Africa made two voyages, one in 1766 and in 1788, and each voyages began in Bristol.1 I learned that Bristol was a major slaving port of the British Trade to Africa with 600 voyages which was a majority of the slave exports between 1747-1769. Because there was a demand for slaves in North America well before the American Revolution, slave export rose from 20,000 a year in 1750 to 40,000 a year in 1770,2 so John Fowler contributed to the enslavement of humans in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

1“Voyages”, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 2016,

2David Richardson, “Bristol, Africa and the Eighteenth Century Slave Trade to America Volume 3 The Year of Decline 1746-1769”, Bristol Records Society's Publications VOL. XLII, (1991)

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