Thursday, February 18, 2016

SLO#1 Slave Trade Ships in Common (discovery)

After analyzing the time period of the American Revolution (1763-1788) in the Voyages Database, I located 3,100 total ships involved in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Under the flag of Great Britain, there was a reoccurring ship named Africa, and it made 42 slave trade voyages during this time period. I uncovered two other ships; the African Queen and the Royal African and both may have more in common than their ship names. All three ships, a total of 47 slave trade voyages, have at least one similar principle region of slave purchase, Bight of Biarfa and Gulf of Guinea Islands. The ship's slave landing also had similarities, their common landings include Jamaica, Grenada, Dominica and Barbados.1 I'm going to dive a bit deeper to see what more I can find on these slave trade ships!

1“Voyages”, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 2016,

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