Thursday, March 3, 2016

SLO# 5 Twenty-Three Year Business of Slave Trade (Intial)

After analyzing the Voyages database, I found a name, John Anderson! He was in the business of slaves for 23 years from 1765-1788 during the American Revolution. Anderson was the owner of multiple vessels that embarked on a total of 30 voyages. Over 8,000 African slaves were transported across the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and approximately 1,000 perished. In 1782, one vessel named the Tartar was captured by the French and another the Phoenix was shipwrecked with 430 African lives lost. The principle region of many of these slaves was on the Gold Coast.1 Now with this new information from the database, I hope to analyze ways groups of people interacted with one another through trade, migration, warfare and cultural exchange.

1“Voyages”, The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 2016,

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